Zero Oil Mix Vegetable: perfect vegetable

zero oil mix vegetable is a perfect mix of a variety of vegetables. The best thing of this recipe is that it is oil-free. In this recipe, you can take all vegetables of your choice thus maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Zero oil mix vegetable recipe is written by home chef Reshma Trivedi. Reshma says that though anyone is interested in eating a variety of sabzis you have to be careful in your intake of oil thus maintaining a healthy lifestyle.Reshma has learnt this recipe from her mother.



Mix Vegetables like Green Peas, Beans, Parwar, Potatoes cauliflower, Carrots etc of your own choice.

1 Fresh Coconut Roughly chopped

150 gms Roasted skinned Peanuts

250gms Onions chopped

500gms Tomatoes

chopped Garlic 15 cloves

Ginger 1 inch piece

1 Cinnamon stick

5 cloves

10 black pepper cons

5 cardamom

Tumeric Powder 2tbsp

Corriander powder 4tbsp

2tbsp Garam masala

2 tbsp Red Chilli powder

Salt as per taste

Sugar 2tbsp



Wash, chop and Blanch Mix Vegetables Grind and paste Onions with cinnamon, cloves and cardamon, tomatoes and Coconut Peanuts paste separately and take out in a bowl..In one bowl mix together turmeric, Corriander, Red chilli and Garam masala with 2 tbsp of water to make a paste.


Flame on medium to low and In a Nonstick pan or any heavy bottom Vessel without putting Oil stir fry onion paste,add1tbsp sugar and till bit salt to make it brown. Then add Coconut Peanuts paste, then tomatoes paste stir vigorously so that it releases its own oil and thickens and combines together. Add 2tbsp water if it sticks in the bottom. Now lastly add the dry masala paste. stir well. Your brown paste is ready. Such brown gravy can be stored in an airtight container in a fridge for a week.


Now add blanched Mix Vegetables and little water close the lid and cook vegetables for 5 minutes. Once cooked Taste salt. Now your dry vegetable korma is ready to serve with Roti. But if you want to eat with Rice add a little more water and 2tbsp fresh cream to thicken gravy and to make it richer as shown in the picture.


In this way cooking can be done without oil by using Coconut, Peanuts, Cashewnuts Walnuts, or any Melon seeds, poppy seeds to enrich your meals. It will not make your meals Tasty but will keep you Fit. Simply change your cooking style! !!! I have given below a completely balanced meal without using any oil which will fill your stomach and satisfy your tastebuds. Mix Vegetable korma,jowar Roti, butter buttermilk, Salads, jaggery, papad and of course at last Coconut Ladoo as Dessert.

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